``Becky Young Community Corrections" appropriation created re community services to reduce offender recidivism [Sec. 307f] -
Act 28
Budget documents posting on the Internet; DOA procedures permitting electronic compliance with auditing certain claims requirements; provision re print copy upon request of member of legislature [Sec. 80, 81, 96] -
Act 28
Haase, Robert D.: life and public service [AJR-110] - JR-29
Interim successors for legislators, virtual meetings, and temporary locations in event of a disaster or emergency; Wisconsin Constitution provision re effective date for interim successors -
Act 363
Ireland, Walter J. ``Butch": life and public service commended [AJR-120] - JR-32
Manders-Mandli, Verna: life and public service [AJR-132] - JR-34
McCann, James A.: life and public service [AJR-34] - JR-12
Merkt, John L.: life and public service [AJR-47] - JR-9
Metzner, Carroll E.: life and public service [AJR-19] - JR-15
Miller, Marjorie ``Midge" Calvins Leeper: life and public service [SJR-31] - JR-7
Myhra, Norman L.: life and public service [AJR-133] - JR-35
Olson, Russell A.: life and public service [SJR-83] - JR-39
Steinhilber, John D. ``Jack": life and public service [SJR-38] - JR-13
Stower, Rev. Pharis Harvey, Jr.: life and public service [AJR-90]
- JR-24
Urban, Dr. Frank H.: life and public service [AJR-14] - JR-28
Young, Rebecca Conrad ``Becky": life and public service [AJR-18] - JR-4
Continuity of government: striking ``enemy action in the form of an attack" and inserts ``severe or prolonged, natural or human-caused, occurrence that threatens the life, health, or the security of the state". Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-59] - JR-14
Floorperiods for 2009-10 session created [SJR-1] - JR-1
Governor's budget message deadline extended to and additional floorperiod created for February 17, 2009 [SJR-8]
- JR-2
Interim successors for legislators, virtual meetings, and temporary locations in event of a disaster or emergency; Wisconsin Constitution provision re effective date for interim successors -
Act 363
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 191
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family"] -
Act 28
Educational support personnel retirement benefits under WRS revised; JSCRS appendix report [Sec. 795, 796, 9315 (1e), (1f)] -
Act 28
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 15
Presumption for employment-connected infectious disease established for fire fighters, EMS providers, law enforcement officers, and correctional officers; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 284
Protective occupation participants: funding for actuarial study of impact on WRS re increase of normal form annuity [Sec. 9131 (2g)] -
Act 28
Biofuels: financial assistance for biorefinery, ``agricultural use" definition revised, Bioenergy Advisory Council, forestry diversification program, Biofuels Production Facility Regulatory Review, marketing orders, personal renewable fuel production and use, income tax credit for blender pumps, offering unblended gasoline to motor fuel dealers, renewable motor vehicle fuel sales goals, state fleet provisions; reports required; OEI, DATCP, DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOR duties; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 401
Biotechnology and manufacturing research: sales and use tax exemptions created for machinery, tangible personal property, and equipment and personal property used in raising animals sold to biotechnology business; ``animal" defined as bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1851, 9443 (12)] -
Act 28
Community theater: property tax exemption for property owned by a nonprofit entity and operated as, conditions specified; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 152
Conduit revenue bonds: two or more political subdivisions authorized to create a commission to issue; AG duties; WHEDA and WHEFA bonds re affordable or elderly housing projects or health facility information technology projects provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 205
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family"] -
Act 28
Food sold by certain licensed child care facilities: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report
Act 204
Internal Revenue Code provisions re IRAs: adopting sections 512 and 811 and the federal Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008; JSCTE appendix report
Act 161
Manufacturing sales and use tax exemption re tangible personal property; appendix report [Sec. 1571, 1643, 1709, 1830f-1832b, 1834, 1835, 1842-1843c, 1843g-1846, 9443 (5f), (14q)] -
Act 28
Reinvested capital gains: procedure created for certain persons to defer taxation; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1535, 1544, 3073] -
Act 28
Sales and use tax administration modernized for state, county, and stadium districts re voluntary collection by out-of-state retailers; sales and use taxes imposed on specified digital goods, exception provision; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 16, 41, 71, 73, 106-108, 154-156, 198-200, 215-218, 221, 225-540, 542-552, 554, 559, 719, 720, 9443 (1), (2)]
Act 2
Ticket sales to youth sports league events: sales and use tax exemption; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1837, 1838]
Act 28
Trail groomers owned by nonprofit snowmobile or ATV clubs: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report
Act 155
Aldo Leopold Climate Change Center and Interactive Laboratory: grant to assist with construction; DOA to review and approve plans [Sec. 19gd, 640, 655uc, 657ec, 9106 (1) (o), (23)] -
Act 28
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in the City of Eau Claire: grant for remodeling; Building Commission determination re additional funding from nonstate donations [Sec. 19ge, 9101 (1)(p), (24)] -
Act 28
Library aid funding from universal service fund; use for contracts with providers for specialized library services authorized [Sec. 251-253, 818-822, 2461, 2463]
Act 28
Public library board for 1st class city: county board of supervisors member requirement modified; majority of seats currently filled constitutes a quorum -
Act 207
Public library system aid in 2008-09 fiscal year: payment made from universal service fund [Sec. 9239 (1), (2), 9439 (2)] -
Act 28
Employment discrimination, unfair honesty testing, and unfair genetic testing: action in circuit court to recover compensatory and punitive damages -
Act 20
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens -
Act 348
Homeowner Eviction and Lien Protection program created in WHEDA; reports to JCF required; Comm.Dept appendix report [Sec. 7, 15, 762, 779] -
Act 2
Release of vehicle liens: DOT duties and fee revisions; creditors required to file electronically [Sec. 669, 1927, 2852, 2900, 2906-2913, 9450 (11)] -
Act 28
Towing and storage lien revisions -
Act 201
Underground petroleum storage tank: Comm.Dept authority to contract for removal; lien provision; action of backfilling the excavation specified [Sec. 216s, 219, 219e, 680, 2155]
Act 28
Olson, Russell A.: life and public service [SJR-83] - JR-39
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -
Act 203
Household Abuse Victims Emergency Network (HAVEN) shelter serving certain counties: WHEDA grant to City of Merrill for renovation [Sec. 9125 (1f)] [vetoed]
Wisconsin River monitoring and study of point and nonpoint source pollution from City of Merrill to the Castle Rock Flowage dam [Sec. 273s, 2574h] -
Act 28
Adult literacy grants: maximum amount eliminated [Sec. 2255m] -
Act 28
Cops-n-Kids Reading Program in the City of Racine: OJA grant provided [Sec. 9101 (6f)] -
Act 28
Animal slaughter fee created, to fund meat safety inspections and animal health programs; may not be on per-head basis; funding for animal health inspection; testing and enforcement to be from agricultural chemical cleanup fund; meat and poultry inspection provisions [Sec. 177, 180f, 2037r]
Act 28
Beginning farmer and farm asset owner refundable tax credits created; requirements set [Sec. 627, 1540d, 1584, 1589b, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1667, 1677b, 1686, 1702d, 1733, 1741b, 1873d, 1974] -
Act 28
Capital gains exclusion percentage decreased; provision re sale of farm assets [Sec. 1543, 1543b, 9343 (13)]
Act 28
Concentrated animal feeding operations: WPDES application fee revisions; report requirements [Sec. 275fn, 2628t, 2665m, 9137 (2i)] -
Act 28
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended and amount claimed increased -
Act 294